I had a perfect time on the plane flying east to see our VA kids to focus on my first-of-the-year personal project! Here's a few examples of the things I discovered:
2013 Successes, Wins and Breakthroughs:
1. Social - I enjoyed growing friendships with women at church through the women's ministry team and our home core group
2. Service - Coached the women's ministry team at our house for a weekend, and spoke at the women's tea
3. Fun - I had many great hikes and dates with Greg (since I felt much better towards the end of the year)
2013 Breakdowns, Losses and Failures:
1. Health - My summer health was terrible, and the rest of the year was between 50-75% (which the latter part I could also call a win, compared to 0%)
2. Even though there were comments from several about coming to Bend for Christmas, no one came to visit
3. We (as a neighborhood) have an ongoing tension and lawsuit with the LLC managers over their demands for more money
So, what did I learn from all of this? A few of the things....
1. If God is in something, and I wait on and trust in Him, I am able to do it! Like endure poor health, speak to 200 women, learn to communicate more honestly and effectively
2. My body needs me to listen to it, sleep-take baths-be outdoors-eat consistently green & well
So what do I intend that to look like in 2014? Here are a few, written in present tense (as if they already happened)....
1. I am getting consistent rest and am honoring this body for Christ
2. I am enjoying leading the women's ministry at church with confidence, am shepherding each woman on the team well, and leading so as to fulfill our vision for the women, all with God's wisdom and help
3. Women are getting unstuck through coaching with me, through my business and through the church