I'm thinking about how to live this life, not randomly, but intentionally. Not letting my days float by as they sometimes do these days, but purposefully, intentionally. Even, on those days. Those days when laying on my bed feels the best and getting lost on the computer soothes away the discomfort. When sitting and doing nothing makes the hours float by. (How can that be?)
Intentionally. You know what makes me feel like my day was worth living? Letting special words sink deep inside....words from my King. Words that give my heart and soul, life and hope and truth.
It's so easy. Just stop resisting the loving pull to set everything aside and run to Him. What else can make my days worth living? But to listen-do.
Today I'm starting over with this new blog. Cute shabbyblog background, if I can get it going. And starting over with soul-filling words of life and hope and truth.