Tuesday, August 13, 2013


I'm funny. Not because I'm really funny. But because I'm getting better at not taking myself so seriously. Maybe getting older is a piece of this! For instance, I am excited to have a blog that's a launching pad for words about this wonderful, challenging, God-given life. And I'm excited to get to coach myself forward in living intentionally this way! Sooooo, I've spent the better of the last two days working on the backgrounds of this blog!!! I drifted into this consumption of so much time because the quick fixes I thought I'd make took hours............guess I can be glad I'm not much of a nerd:)

When I was nearly done, double checking placements and positioning and wordings of things, all of a sudden I said, "oh no!" I had chosen the exact same background my daughter has on her blog (the shabbyblog site I thought was so cute!). Ok, in lieu of all of life, it's no big deal. But I didn't mean to and it's funny that I didn't even notice, of all the shabbyblog choices, that I zeroed in on her favorite too. Guess that's evidence that I like her taste. And gratefully, she laughed when she saw it too, knowing I hadn't a clue!

We are a funny people! Now, to learn to laugh during the day when life feels a little tough...