~ Sweet Husband's birthday, and recovery from being asked if he was over 60. (He's not...for a few more years at least!)
~ Sweet husband's birthday brunch with parents, bringing up lots of memories of club championship tournaments at Creekside GC over the years.....years gone by.
~ Sweet phone calls from thoughtful kids, who love their Dad so very much.
~ Sweet visit to husband's parent's new home at Capitol Manor, and a semi-settled knot in his stomach about the reality of the passing of time.
~ Sweet visit with Emily, on vacation from the Mark3 program at Washington Family Ranch YL camp....people have purpose in all walks of life and regardless of what we have to offer. I love God for that!
~ Sweet memories of Becky's amazing wedding Saturday in Portland Chinatown, Chinese Gardens. Amazing setting, fun race to the kissing-gazebo, and great conversation with Jan, filled with personal healing and joy.
~ Sweet memories of years of praying with my girlfriends each week for our kids.
~ Sweet ankle swelling from being in low heels all night. Bummer. That's not sweet, but my husband's kindness to me is:)