Friday, September 13, 2013

I Should Have Been a Man....

I should have been a man.

I would have loved the manly growth of hair from the progesterone in the DHEA my naturopath has me on. I would have felt affirmed in my gender as I grew a bushy mustache and beard without trouble.

But alas, I'm a woman. One with German origins that came with the genetic right to have dark facial hair regardless of gender.

Down the tube went the $400 spent on laser services this spring to eradicate those manly hairs that have warmed my upper lip for so many years. The initial laser result was wonderful, but it seemed to fertilize the ground for abundant new hair growth.

Yet, if that's the worst of my problems, I'm blessed. It isn't, but I am still very very blessed and grateful!

Just look at those mountains....thrill in anticipation of this morning's river walk, as my dogs are....savor those conversations with Alyssa and Michelle....look forward to those baby hugs coming very very excited at Greg's homecoming....enjoy the gift of my coaching clients....rejoice in new friendships with our home group started last night....wonder at my Savior.