It's amazing to me how a day can sometimes go by. With a list never made. To-do's never formulated. A list ignored for what was more appealing or seemed important in a day. Honestly, not much is urgent to me these days. Unless someone is tugging at my pantlegs saying "up". Or one of my kids calls or facetimes. Or my husband wants to do something fun together. Or the dogs are turning inside out to go for a walk. That's important! That's fulfilling. That is joyful and worth dropping life for. But what if someone lets their
life go by. Making lists, formulating to-do's, living the urgent, and accomplishing what seems like a lot. Yet all the days missing out on the gifts and blessings God has for them. Been there - done that, the saying goes.
I reread a few posts from my blog written during the first 15 months my unexpected companion moved in. Some of the words resonated as if I wrote them today. Because not a lot has positively changed, physically.

But a lot
has changed. When in a fairly good season where I have more function, more energy, and less pain, I am not impatient with too much of anything. I think I've developed greater perspective and sense of priorities. I'm tempted to move into the hurry-scurry attitude of days gone by, because it's my innate default mode of operation (and I do like to accomplish things). But mostly I refrain. Most things that come to mind can wait for another day or don't need to be done at all. It's good that I have this disease. I don't like it, but it's useful. I'm changing. I can't "do" like I used to. But I can "be" more of who God has designed me to be.
My companion helps to clarify what I am to be about. People. Serving. Loving. Encouraging. My mission in life as a coach is to encourage, enlighten, and energize God's life in myself and others. James says I am to show my faith by my works. And in doing so, I will receive a blessing in all I do. I want and need those blessings in every little thing I do! So my desire is to do the works the Father has designed for me and shows me to do. Little or big, seemingly insignificant or more so. Whether it makes sense to me or not. And to love God increasingly - others through serving them however I'm able. That's how I want the tick-tock in my life to sound! Whatever it takes, may it be so Lord!