Sunday, November 24, 2013


As I sit here thinking about the last year and what I feel most grateful for, it turns out it's the painful experiences that forced me to stretch and bend and surrender.  

Because of them, I'm happier today than I have been in a long time.  I feel more aligned with the real me. And I'm blessed to enjoy relationships that are authentic and loving.  

When we allow the alchemy of change to occur, we earn the gold.  

The key word here is "allow."  Over the past year there were certainly times when I tried to resist change and to control the outcome of situations I didn't like.  None of it worked.  Ultimately I had to let go and trust that God, who is Life Himself, was bringing me exactly what my soul needed to heal and blossom and grow.

And He did...

Every disappointment, every missed opportunity and unfulfilled expectation all created the most beautiful chance to become more of who God wants me to be. 

Who would have thought that I'd end up here...

Today, I give thanks for the pain.    
(Cheryl Richardson says it well, with some personalization and adaptation on my part, in her Thanksgiving '13 letter)