Flour-less Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
1/3 cup honey, agave or real maple syrup
(Or 1/4 cup of above sweetener and up to 12 drops liquid stevia...I thought they were a little too sweet, but I don't like very sweet things anymore)
1/2 tsp each salt and baking soda
1 flax- egg (1 Tbl ground flax meal mixed with 3 Tbl water. Let sit 10 min to thicken)
STIR all together. Then add:
1/2 cup chocolate chips (I like the mini gluten-free chips from vitacost.com)
SCOOP by tablespoons and bake 8-10 minutes at 350 degrees on a silpat sheet on your cookie sheet, turning cookie sheet 1/2 way through cooking.
LET COOL 10 minutes out of oven on cookie sheet.
Greg loved them!
Guilt Free! And it makes over a dozen so you can eat until full and still have a few leftover...
On another subject, I had a fun conversation with a younger friend at church this morning about how beneficial and currently impactful her life coaching experience 4 years ago still is! I love hearing that, since I have experienced clients making big strides forward and courageous mindset changes through coaching with them.
Here's one of my favorite quotes I use somewhat frequently with clients, from a MFT professor:
"That's your movie and I'm not starring in it!"
Try that out the next time someone tries to draw you into an unhealthy way of thinking or guilt you into something that's their deal and not yours! It's freeing! But don't say it out-loud to them. Just adopt it as your mindset!
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